☙ About

☙ A Message from Our Founders:

Each spring, summer and fall since 2009, Fulton Flea has hosted a series of outdoor community events promoting the mission of the Brooklyn Plaza Medical Center. Visitors will find information about BPMC services and a variety of artisanal goods and products. We support an economy rooted in our neighborhoods, and inspire physical and social well-being. Partnerships and linkages are made here allowing local entrepreneurs, artists, residents, and interested organizations to work together.

Welcome to Fulton Flea, discover your productive place in this creative space.

☙ Press Appearances

Fulton Flea Market: A Small Flea With A Big Community Impact (Markets of New York City, Karen Seiger, July 2013)
Our First Outdoor Market (Mushpa y Mensa, July 2013)
What Are You in the Market For? (Brooklyn Based, June 2011)
‘Tis the Season for Fleas (Fort Greene Blog at NYTimes.com, Spencer A. Freeman, Sep. 2010)
Flea markets a big draw in Brooklyn (NY Daily News, staff, Oct. 2009)
A Flea Springs to Life (Forte Greene Blog at NYTimes.com, staff, Sep. 2009)
Another Flea, This Time at Fulton (Forte Greene Blog at NYTimes.com, Calvin Men, Aug. 2009)

☙ FAQs

☙ Where is Fulton Flea held? We are located at 650 Fulton Street (see Google Maps) between Fort Greene Place and South Elliott Place (near the intersection of Lafayette Avenue) in Brooklyn, NY. We are just up the block from BAM, around the corner from the Atlantic Shopping Mall, and at the nexus of Fort Greene / Clinton Hill and downtown Brooklyn.

☙ How do I get there by public transportation? The Fulton Flea is walking distance from all major subways, with the 2-3-4-5 and D-Q-B-N-M-R lines at the Atlantic Ave / Pacific Street station, the G line at the Fulton Street station, and the C line at the Lafayette Avenue station.

☙ What are the hours of operation? The Fulton Flea will be open to the public at 9:30 AM and will close at 6:30 PM unless otherwise stated.

☙ What time can Vendors arrive to set-up? Set-up time will start at 9:00 AM unless otherwise stated.

☙ How many vendor spaces are available? There is enough space for approximately 20 vendor spaces.

☙ How do I reserve a space? This is a 2-step process. Please visit our vendors page.

☙ What are my payment options? Registration is via Paypal buttons at the bottom of our vendors page. We also accept certified checks, money orders, or cash.

☙ What else do I need to do to participate? If you are a merchandise vendor, you need a sales tax certificate of authority from the NY State Department of Taxation and Finance (1-800-698-2909). If you are a food vendor, you need a food handler's certificate from the NYC Department of Health (212-487-4104).

☙ Is there a bad weather policy? Yes. We reserve the right to cancel due to extremely bad weather before the official opening hours. In such cases, we will post a voice message on our contact phone number as well as on our website, and those who have paid in full will be issued a credit for participation on a future date.

Contact Info

Keep in touch at info@fultonflea.com or 917-364-5648. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter.